Some of us blame death for taking our loved ones away, blame God for wars and distraction, parents or loved ones for making us feel or act the way we do.. As if some of us were born with a BLAME-GAME in our system.
And when it would come down to "owning it up" or "taking responsibility" we often confused it with the word BLAME and sometimes are completely lost about what all those three things have in common.
But do we blame the sun for burning us, the clouds for covering the sky, the rain for pouring down at us, for the seasons coming and going? Let's hope the answer to this is "NO". Because we accept it. We accept that this is the circle of life, this is the nature, this is how the world works.
So why should it be any different when it comes down to us? The answer to: "whom shall I blame" question, therefore surely should be: "NO ONE." Accept it. This is how things are.
We can however, indeed adjust something that isn't working for us. If sun is too hot we put a sunscreen on, if the rain is too heavy we find a shelter, we find warm clothes if it's freezing cold and we adjust.
The same goes for any situation in life. Adjust it. Don't blame it on anyone, especially on yourself. Accept it as LIFE. Life is happening. Things evolve. Life goes on.
Therefore, owning it up simply means to voice your feeling about a certain event, and not blame the event itself, yourself or others. Yes, make everyone responsible - accountable for things they have done, including yourself, but refrain from blaming anyone or anything, because the word "blame" carries a destructive emotion with it that pulls you down and destructs you from the real matter at hand. It creates a COMPLEX of GUILT and grows FEARS.
It's a true craft to handle the situation with grace and dignity. Once you master it, not only it will help you to deal with all the challenges in a more constructive manner - it will also lift you up, raise your vibrations and help you to achieve a success in every project you put your mind into
Why is it important to own it up and not take an easy way out by playing a blame-game? What do you think?
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This Blog is written by Elena Dana as the way to achieving the balance which is vital during our performances.